Ballot Initiatives
Ballot Initiatives are about the only way to get new transportation ideas approved. Government won't take the risk of approving new ideas. The Public seems to be smarter. Here is the beginning of a list to collect other ballots from around the country.

  Florida Ballots 1. Miami Beach
  Seattle Monorail Ballot 
This ballot was approved last November 2002 to build a 16 mile route for $ 1.3 billion
 Seattle Citizen Petition No. 1.     
An overview of the Seattle monorail project is located at:

Washington Supreme Court Decision


Small-Suburb PRT Ballot Initiatives
By Steve Raney  was presented at the January, 2003, meetings of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C. It is a very useful, practical and sensible approach to getting small PRT projects started in suburban locations.